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eBook- British Bedmate by Vi Keeland Summary .PDF

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“British Bedmate” is a modern masterpiece, a powerful novel that can be read on its own. This novel is written by Vi Keeland. She is a true storyteller, and British Bedmate is her best book. It’s an epic tale of family, secrets, loss, marriage, betrayal, friendships, laughter, and regrets. British Bedmate is a heartfelt novel written with compassion and hope, reconciling the past to pave a road to happiness and second chances.


Tuesday. That’s what my underwear said, even though it wasFriday. Right across my ass in big, bold letters. A few monthsago, when the airline had lost my luggage during my trip downto Florida to visit my mother, I’d picked up a package of cheapundies at Target. Of course, I had no idea there was anythingprinted on them at the time. And I wasn’t about to throw awayseven pairs of perfectly good underwear when I eventuallyrealized. Plus, how long had it been since anyone had seen myunderwear anyway? Two years?The nurse came back into the treatment room to take myhistory. “Why don’t you have a seat, Ms. Valentine?”“Ummm. I can’t.”“Oh, sorry.” She smiled. “That’s right.”“Do you know when the last time you had a tetanus shotwas?”“I’m a nurse over at Memorial, so I get them regularly.Last year, maybe.”“Okay. That’s good. How about pregnancy? Any chanceyou could be pregnant?”“Not a cold chance in hell.”

Even the sixty-year-old nurse looked at mesympathetically. “Dry spell, huh?”“You could say that.”“Well, you’re in luck then. Dr. Hogue is on today.”“Dr. Hogue?”“He’s our resident. A real young hottie.” She winked.Great. Just great. I wasn’t just going to be mortified infront of the first man to see my ass in years, it had to be ayoung, handsome doctor. “Do you have anyone else on call, byany chance? Maybe a female doctor or an older, malephysician, perhaps?”The nurse stood and closed the chart she’d started for me.“Don’t worry, sweetie. You’re in good hands. I’m positive Dr.Hogue has seen his share of ass.”Kill me now.A few minutes later, I was trying to ignore the pain anddistract myself by scrolling through my phone while I waitedfor the resident on duty, when the door opened.I turned around and froze.Seriously? This couldn’t be the doctor. We definitely didn’thave any doctors that looked like this over at Memorial.“So, I hear you want to show me your bum, and I’m noteven going to have to buy you some dinner first?”My bum? Of course, young, hot doctor had an equally hotaccent, too. Was he…British? I pulled the gown I was wearingclosed tighter. “Please tell me this is a joke. You are not thedoctor. How old are you even? Twenty-two?”He didn’t seem the slightest bit offended by my comment.Instead, he leaned against the desk and folded his arms acrosshis chest. “Twenty-nine. Would you like to see my driver’slicense?” Then…he smiled. Oh God. Perfect pearly whites,too. Figures. The man was downright gorgeous. Tall, reallytall—probably at least six foot two, broad shouldered,muscular arms, bright blue eyes, a chiseled jaw, and blond hairthat looked as if he’d just had sex. Jesus…the doctor had fuck-me hair. I couldn’t possibly show him my ass.

“I need a new doctor.”

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