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IMAGINES: Celebrity Encounters Starring You by Anna Todd dawnload free .PDF
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IMAGINES: Celebrity Encounters Starring You by Anna Todd dawnload free .PDF

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Fanfiction gives us a place to express ourselves in creative and familiar ways with like minded people. Fanfiction has inspired millions of readers and writers around the world, and I’m so proud to be a part of such an amazing community. ANNA TODD

Anna Todd (#1 internationally bestselling author of the After series) headlines this unique anthology of “imagines”—the first book of its kind—stories from Wattpad writers that immerse you in a fantasy world of fame, adventure, and flirtation with your favorite celebrities. Imagine running around the city, dodging paparazzi with Jennifer Lawrence…Imagine Justin Bieber setting up a romantic scavenger hunt for your anniversary, retelling the story of your love… Imagine selfies have been outlawed, making Kim Kardashian a freedom fighter who needs your help in bringing justice and good lighting to the people… Let your fantasies take over! That’s what the top Wattpad authors have done in this special collection of fictional scenarios that bring you up close and personal with the real celebrities you love—star alongside Zayn Malik, Cameron Dallas, Kanye West, Selena Gomez, Dylan O’Brien, Tom Hardy, Jamie Dornan, Benedict Cumberbatch, and many more!

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