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T L Swan – Find Me Alastar .PDF
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T L Swan – Find Me Alastar .PDF

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Books T L Swan  online free .PDF

I had it all, dream job, boyfriend, stability.So I did the unthinkable, I packed up and left everything that was dear to me. Set out on the journey of a lifetime and it was all going to plan until I met him.

Alastar O’Shea.

An enigmatic, artistic Irishman who had more sexual energy in his pinky finger than anything I had ever dreamed of.I should have stayed away from him.He was hot, toxic and the most exhilarating experience of my life.

Like a drug he entered my bloodstream.Like a drug he brought me undone.Did I meet him by chance or was it a calculated hit?

I did believe in fairy tales but he isn’t who I thought he was.Will he find me?Will it cost me my life?

Recomandăm: Christina Dodd- Vraja unui sărut .PDF

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