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English books online free Victoria Lane .PDF
The Astonishing Benefits And Uses Of Garlic You Always Wanted to Know!
If you are not planning to fight vampires with garlic today, lets fight some pathogens and other pests. Starting from microbes to big pests, garlic can keep harmful things away from you. Garlic is something which everyone knows, unless you were born before 2000 BC. Every cuisine and every culture in the world uses garlic differently.
Garlic has a lot of advantages and a few side effects. This book talks about garlic and its uses. It also provides precautionary information about the bulb. Though garlic helps to repel a lot of infections, it is very prone to fungal infections and other pests. Thus, garlic you buy from the supermarket would have pesticides attached to it. Going organic is the best way. This book teaches about growing, harvesting, curing, storing and using garlic.
Why do you need this book? There are a lot of medical conditions which you may not find severe enough to get medical help, but are causing a lot of problems in your daily life, like the flatulence, heartburn, stinky feet problem and many others. This book tells you that all it takes is a clove of garlic to reduce all the problems. The book also explains about using garlic as a cosmetic for skin and hair care. Imagine a person applying garlic on his face and imagine how much he would stink. However, using the right set of essential oils and other ingredients, the book helps you to make face packs and hair lotions, which would have the effects which garlic does but you would not have to deal with its smell.
What You’ll Learn from “The Garlic Miracle”
• The stinking rose
• Why garlic?
• Garlic as a cosmetics
• Garlic is not perfect
• Your own garlic plant
• Cooking with garlic
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