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📚The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations" - Ronen Bergman |
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📚The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations" - Ronen Bergman |

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Read the books online for free 📚 "Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations" - Ronen Bergman | A Fascinating Look at Israel's Secret Operations 🔍🇮🇱

📖 Book Description:

"Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations" by Ronen Bergman is a comprehensive and gripping account of Israel's history of targeted assassinations. Based on years of meticulous research and exclusive interviews with Mossad agents, security officials, and political leaders, this book unveils the secrets and strategies behind Israel's covert operations.

🌟 Synopsis:

Ronen Bergman delves into the history of Israel's use of targeted assassinations as a strategic tool in its national security policy. The book spans from the establishment of the state of Israel to the present day, covering various operations carried out by the Israeli intelligence agencies, including Mossad, Shin Bet, and Aman.

The title "Rise and Kill First" is derived from an ancient Jewish saying that suggests when someone comes to kill you, rise and kill them first. This philosophy has guided Israel's approach to counter-terrorism and pre-emptive strikes against perceived threats. The book explores key operations, the moral and ethical dilemmas faced by operatives, and the political implications of these actions.

🔍 Why You Should Read "Rise and Kill First":

In-Depth Research: Provides a detailed and well-researched account of Israel’s covert operations, based on interviews and classified documents.

Historical Context: Offers a comprehensive historical perspective on how targeted assassinations have shaped Israel's defense strategies and its ongoing conflict with its neighbors.

Ethical and Moral Questions: Raises important questions about the use of assassination as a tool of statecraft and its implications for international law and morality.

Thrilling Narratives: Reads like a thriller, with gripping stories of espionage, covert missions, and high-stakes decision-making.

🎉 Recommended For:

Fans of military history, espionage enthusiasts, readers interested in Middle Eastern politics, and those who appreciate in-depth investigative journalism.

📘 How to Order:

Add "Rise and Kill First" by Ronen Bergman to your reading list and uncover the hidden history of Israel's targeted assassinations. Available now in bookstores and online.

Recomandăm: Lucinda Riley- Trandafirul Nopții carte .PDF

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