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Conștiența de Anthony de Melo carte .PDF
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Top cărți de psihologie online gratis- Conștiența de Anthony de Melo carte .PDF

 Aceasta este prima faza a traducerii in limba romana a cartii despre trezire a parintelui iezuit Anthony de Mello intitulata Constienta, in care sunt cuprinse intr- o forma prescurtata, trunchiata si deformata o serie de conferinte in care autorul s-a autocenzurat pt a nu fi excomunicat.

I begin to work now to a new translation in Romanian language of the book dedicated to awakening of the jesuite father Anthony de Mello intitled Awareness in which there are presented in an shortened and altered form a series of selfcensored conferences to avoid excomunication. Turneul de conferinte(vedeti sub titlul fiecarui capitol adresele de pe youtube unde se afla originalul), a fost publicat intr-o forma prescurtata si alterata in editia in limba engleza pe care o ilustrez mai jos intr-un subiect critic pt tema constientei: elucidarea diferentei dintre concentrare si constienta.

 The conference tournament (see under the heading of each chapter the youtube addresses where you can find the original) was published in an abridged and altered form in the English edition which I illustrate below in a critical topic for the theme of consciousness: the elucidation of the difference between concentration and awareness. Va cer sa vedeti cum este alterat de catre J. Francis Stroud, S.J mesajul cartii Constienta de Anthony de Mello si sa incercati sa intelegeti diferenta dintre constienta si concentrare prezentata in cap 22 initulat “Religia adevarata – contrariul inconstientei” in cartea publicata de Editura For You, in traducerea realizata de Monica Visan dupa textul eronat al editiei in limba engleza prezentat mai jos. I ask you too see how is altered by J. Francis Stroud, S.J the message of the book Awareness by Anthony de Mello, S.J. and to try to understand the difference between concentration and awareness in chapter 22 Good Religion—The Antithesis of Unawareness in the book Edited by J. Francis Stroud, S .J. and published in May 1992 by DOUBLEDAY a pision of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. and IMAGE BOOKS “What I would advocate is awareness, which is not the same as concentration at all. Concentration is a spotlight, a floodlight. You’re open to anything that comes within the scope of your consciousness. You can be distracted from that, but when you’re practicing awareness, you’re never distracted. When awareness is turned on, there’s never any distraction, because you’re always aware of whatever happens to be. Say I’m looking at those trees and I’m worrying. Am I distracted? 

I am distracted only if I mean to concentrate on the trees. But if I’m aware that I’m worried, too, that isn’t a distraction at all. Just be aware of where your attention goes. When anything goes awry or anything untoward happens, you’ll be alerted at once. Something’s going wrong! The moment any negative feeling comes into consciousness, you’ll be alerted. You’re like the driver of the car. “Ceea ce as sustine este constienta, care nu e deloc acelasi lucru cu concentrarea. Concentrarea este un reflector, e ca lumina unui reflector.

 Tu esti deschis la orice patrunde in sfera constiintei tale. Poti fi distras de la ea, dar cand practici constienta, nu esti distras niciodata. Cand actioneaza constienta, nu se mai manifesta nici o distragere, pentru ca esti mereu constient de tot se intampla. Sa spunem ca privesc niste copaci si imi fac griji. Sunt distras? As fi distras doar daca intentionez sa ma concentrez la copaci. Dar daca, in acelasi timp, sunt constient ca sunt ingrijorat, asta nu inseamna deloc ca sunt distras. Fii constient doar de directia in care iti este indreptata atentia, Daca ceva merge rau, sau daca se intampla ceva suparator, te vei alerta pe loc. Ceva nu merge bine! In momentul in care in constiinta ti se strecoara vreun sentiment negativ, vei deveni atent. Esti exact ca soferul masinii.”

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